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Dra. Iolanda Alen Coutinho
Dra. Joana Bruno Soares
Coordenador de Immuno-Allergology: Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa
Areas of Interest
Allergies in children; Drug allergy
Dra. Joana Cosme
Respiratory allergy/rhinitis/asthma in children and adults; Immunotherapy - allergy vaccines;...
Dra. Joana Pinto de Miranda
Immunoallergology for children, adults and the elderly; Respiratory allergy (asthma, rhinitis,...
Dra. Josefina Cernadas
Coordenador de Immuno-Allergology: Hospital Lusíadas Porto
General immunoalergology in children, young people, adults and the elderly; Drug Allergy; Drug...
Dra. Leonor Viegas
Skin, respiratory, food and drug allergy in children and adults; Specific immunotherapy;...
Dr. Manuel Barbosa
Coordenador de Immuno-Allergology: Hospital Lusíadas Amadora
Respiratory allergy in children and adults; Food allergy; Drug allergy
Dra. Margarida Reis
Child and Adult Allergies; Asthma; Rhinitis; Chronic cough and recurrent wheezing; Hives; Eczema...
Dra. Maria Antónia São Braz
Aerobiology; Urticaria or hives; Rhinitis; Asthma
Dra. Maria João Vasconcelos
Respiratory allergy (asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, cough); Drug allergy; Eye allergy (...