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Dra. Ana Sousa Pereira
Coordenador de Pediatrics: Hospital Lusíadas Vilamoura
Areas of Interest
General Pediatrics; Childhood Obesity and Dyslipidemia; Pediatric Endocrinology
Dra. Ana Torres
Pediatric Otolaryngologist (adenoid/tonsil/ear pathology); Tonsils, adenoids and ear surgery;...
Dra. Ana Velosa
Neuropsychiatry; Geriatric Psychiatry; Anxiety disorders; Obsessive-compulsive disorder;...
Dra. Ana Vitória Silva
Musculoskeletal pathology; Rehabilitation after orthopedic surgery; Ortho-trauma rehabilitation...
Dra. Ana Xavier
Pediatric Ophthalmology; Strabismus; OCT
Dra. Anabela Colaço
Pathology of the lower genital tract (cervix, vagina and vulva)
Dra. Anabela Figueiredo
Obstetrics (pregnancy and childbirth), General Gynecology; Cervical Pathology
Dra. Anabela Lopes
Respiratory allergy; Specific Imunotherapy; Skin Allergy; Pediatric Immunoallergology; Food and...
Dra. Anabela Marques
Coordenador de Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine: Hospital Lusíadas Porto
Musculoskeletal; Neurological; Amputation; Pediatric; Pelvic Floor; Mesotherapy; Infiltrations;...
Dra. Anabela Miranda Nabais
Pathology of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves; Brain Tumor (skull base, endoscopic approach...