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Dra. Andreia Soares
Areas of Interest
Oculoplastic (Blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery in patients with eyelid ptosis, ectropion,...
Dr. Ângelo Ferreira
Obesity Surgery, surgery for gastroesophageal reflux disease, advanced minimally invasive...
Dr. Ângelo Lucas Nobre
Coordenador de Cardiothoracic Surgery: Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa
Aortic Surgery; Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery; Reconstructive Surgery of the Mitral Valve;...
Dr. Aníbal Albuquerque
Hypertension; Cardiovascular Risk Factors; Angioma of the Chest and Myocardial Infarction;...
Dr. Aníbal Eliseu
General Otorhinolaryngology; Surgery of the nose, sinuses and lacrimal duct.
Dra. Aniceta Cavaco
General Pediatrics, Neonatology, Outpatient Pediatrics
Prof. Dra. Antónia Póvoa
Thyroid, Parathyroid and Salivary Glands Surgery; Head and neck surgery; Adrenal surgery;...
Dr. António Amado
Pregnancy and Birth; Ultrasonography; General Gynecology; Colposcopy; Surgery
Dr. António Andrade
Pathology and Surgery of the Foot and Ankle; Fractures of the Foot and Ankle; Sports...
Dr. António Arsénio
Coordenador de Cardiology: Clínica Lusíadas Oriente
Clinical Cardiology; Cardio-Oncology; Cardiovascular Risk