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Dra. Sara Tomé
Areas of Interest
Minimally Invasive Adhesive Dentistry; Oral Rehabilitation
Dra. Sarah Amaral
Depression; Anxiety; Behavioral Disorders; Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Dra. Selma Souto
Obesity and Pre-Obesity; Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus; Endocrine Pathology of the pregnant woman (...
Dr. Sequeira Andrade
Nephrology; Hypertension; Dialysis; Renal Transplantation
Dr. Serafim Gonçalves
Lens Surgery; Implant and Refractive Surgery; Oculoplastics; Lacrimal Pathways
Dr. Sergey Asyanin
Acute illness in children and adults; General Medicine consultation; Sports Medicine
Dra. Sérgia Rocha
Clinical Cardiology; Cardiac Rhythm Pathology and Syncope; Pacemakers and other implantable...
Dr. Sérgio Araújo
Pathology and Surgery of the Hip; Hip Fractures; Arthroplasties
Dr. Sérgio Barroso
Diretor Clínico do Hospital Lusíadas - Amadora e Hospital Lusíadas Amadora
Coordenador de Medical Oncology: Hospital Lusíadas Amadora
Coordenador de Medical Oncology: Clínica Lusíadas Oriente
General Oncology; Supportive Care; Thrombosis in the oncology patient
Dr. Sérgio Livraghi
Intracranial and Vertebral Oncological Neurosurgery; Minimally invasive surgery (including...