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Dra. Teresa Moreno
Areas of Interest
Epilepsy; Neuromuscular Disorders; Headaches; Sleep Disorders; Genetic Diseases; Neuropediatrics...
Dra. Teresa Moura Jerónimo
Chronic kidney disease; Hypertensive kidney disease; Diabetic kidney disease; Cardio-renal...
Dra. Teresa Nunes
General Pediatrics and Pediatric Pulmonology
Dra. Teresa Oliveira
Adult Health; Women's Health; Children's Health
Dra. Teresa Pinho e Melo
Cerebrovascular disease (stroke); Transient neurological symptoms; Cognitive disorders; Dementia...
Dra. Teresa Reynolds de Sousa
Neurodevelopmental disorders (intellectual development disorders, autism spectrum disorders,...
Dra. Teresa Sousa
Psychology; Sleep; Health
Dra. Teresa Tomé
Perinatology; Neonatology; Pediatrics; Prenatal counseling; Breastfeeding and human milk
Dra. Teresa Viegas
Diagnosis and treatment in General Practice in adults and adolescents; Screening and preventive...
Dr. Thiago Corrêa
General otorhinolaryngology; Pediatric otorhinolaryngology; Otological and otoneurological...