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Dra. Cátia Azenha
Areas of Interest
Oculoplastic Surgery, Orbit and Lacrimal Veins; Tumors; Periocular Rejuvenation surgical and...
Therapist Cátia Bernardes
Intervention in cases of deafness (children, adolescents and adults); Central Auditory...
Dra. Cátia Saraiva
General Pulmonology; COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease); Bronchial Asthma;...
Dra. Cátia Vilas Boas Leitão
Neonatal Intensive Care; Pediatric Intensive Care; Pediatric Urgency and Emergency; Pediatric...
Dra. Cecília Pacheco
Respiratory failure; Invasive and non-invasive ventilation; Neuromuscular Diseases
Dra. Cecília Urzal
General Gynecology; Pathology of the cervix, vagina and vulva; Gynecology in Adolescence;...
Dra. Célia Costa
Immunoallergology in children and adults; Allergy and food intolerance; Urticaria and angioedema...
Dra. Célia Soares
Obstetrics; Maternal-Fetal Medicine (surveillance of high/low risk pregnancies and childbirth);...
Dr. Celso Barros
Pediatric Anesthesia
Dr. César Silva
Pathology and Surgery of the Hand, Wrist and Elbow; Hand, Wrist and Elbow Fractures; Sports...