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Dra. Inês Portela
Areas of Interest
Anesthesia for General Surgery, Urology, Gynecology, Neurosurgery, Outpatient, Diagnostic and...
Dra. Inês Rodrigues
Clinical Cardiology; Intervention Cardiology
Dra. Inês Rossio
Internal Medicine; Cardiovascular Risk
Dra. Inês Tellechea
Anesthesia for surgery, pediatric anesthesia, anesthesia in obstetrics, anesthesia for...
Dra. Inês Vitorino
Oncology; Functional study of benign pathology; Radiopharmaceutical therapy
Dra. Iolanda Alen Coutinho
Dra. Iolanda Marques
Geriatric Syndromes; Diabetes; Hypertension; Family Planning; Pregnancy; Child Health
Dra. Irene Paiva
Dra. Irina Carvalheiro
General Pediatrics
Dra. Irina Mocanu
Inflammatory bowel disease; Proctology; Enteroscopy by video capsule