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Dra. Isabel Correia
Areas of Interest
General Otorhinolaryngology; Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology; Deafness, Hearing Rehabilitation and...
Dra. Isabel Costa
Roncopathy and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (adult and pediatric); Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (...
Women's health, throughout the different stages of their lives; Mental health; Management...
Dra. Isabel Coutinho Sampaio
General Ophthalmology, Cataract Surgery, Surgery and Complementary Diagnostic Exams for Glaucoma...
Dra. Isabel da Rocha
Preventive medicine and a holistic approach to the patient from infancy to old age;...
Dra. Isabel Domingues
Glaucoma; Eye Inflammation-Uveitis; Cataract surgery
Prof. Dra. Isabel Duarte
Childhood and Adolescence; Child and Adult Psychopathology; Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and...
Dra. Isabel Figueiredo
Dentistry and Stomatology; Generalist; Removable Prosthodontics
Dra. Isabel Flores Allen
Orthodontics; Orthodontics with aligners; Dental Medicine
Dra. Isabel Freitas
Heart Failure; Cerebrovascular Diseases; Dyslipidemia, Obesity and Hypertension; Cardiovascular...