Dra. Joana Mandeiro

Dra. Joana Mandeiro

  • Clínica Lusíadas Almada
  • Clínica Lusíadas Oriente
  • Psychology Consultation

Areas of Interest

Depression; Anxiety Disorders; Panic, Stress and Burnout; Bereavement; Relationship Problems; Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; Psychological and Psychotherapeutic Intervention with young people, adults and the elderly; Health Promotion and adaptation to illness; Intervention for caregivers and family members

Breve CV

Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology from the Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida (ISPA-IU).
Full member of the Portuguese Psychologists' Association.


Portuguese and Spanish


  • Clínica Lusíadas Almada
  • Clínica Lusíadas Oriente
  • Clínica Lusíadas Almada
  • Clínica Lusíadas Oriente

Agreements and Conventions

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