Dr. Miguel Trigo

Dr. Miguel Trigo

  • Clínica Lusíadas Oriente
  • Psychology Consultation

Areas of Interest

Anxiety Disorders; Depressive and Mood Disorders; Adjustment Difficulties and Life Crises; Occupational Stress and Moral Harassment; Smoking cessation and substance dependence

Breve CV

Assistant in Clinical Psychology at Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa / Hospital Júlio de Matos.
Psychotherapeutic intervention in young adults and adults with anxiety and depression, personality disorders, long-term psychiatric illness, work-related stress, smoking and promotion of healthy lifestyles.
Between 1996 and 2019, lecturer at several public and private universities.
Member of OPP Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (Portuguese Psychologists Council), in ​​Clinical and Health Psychology, specializing in Psychotherapy, Occupational Psychology and Community Psychology.
Between 2005 and 2009 completed specialization in Clinical Psychology, through an internship as per the career of Superior Health Technicians, promoted by the Ministry of Health.
PhD in Clinical Psychology (2008), Master's in Mental Health (2000) and Degree in Clinical Psychology (1996).
Completed psychotherapeutic training at Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicoterapias Breves (Portugese Society for Brief Psychotherapies), and a Psychotherapist by that Society (since 2009).


Portuguese and English


  • Clínica Lusíadas Oriente
  • Clínica Lusíadas Oriente

Agreements and Conventions

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