Dr. Miranda Rosa

Dr. Miranda Rosa

  • Clínica Lusíadas Oriente
  • Rheumatology Consultation

Areas of Interest

Inflammatory rheumatic diseases; degenerative rheumatisms; periarticular soft tissue rheumatisms; metabolic bone diseases with emphasis on osteoporosis

Breve CV

Medical specialist in Rheumatology by the OM since July 1989.
Graduated Assistant in Rheumatology at HSM since March 1993.
Consultant in Rheumatology at HSM since April 1999.
Presented and participated in 80 Free Communications and Posters in Courses, Congresses and Symposiums of Rheumatology in Portugal and abroad.
He has published 58 Rheumatology Articles including clinical cases, review articles and research articles.


Portuguese, French, English and Spanish


  • Clínica Lusíadas Oriente
  • Clínica Lusíadas Oriente

Agreements and Conventions

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