Dr. Nuno Meireles

Dr. Nuno Meireles

  • Clínica Lusíadas Oriente
  • Vascular Surgery Consultation

Areas of Interest

Radiofrequency varicose vein surgery; Endovascular surgery for aortic aneurysms; Endovascular surgery for lower limb ischemia; Ambulatory sclerotherapy for varicose veins

Breve CV

In 1983, completed general residency at Hospital Santa Maria.
In 1991, completed the Complementary residency in Angiology and Vascular Surgery.
In 1992,obtained the degree of Specialist by the National Medical Council.
In 1995, obtained the degree of Hospital Assistant in Angiology and Vascular Surgery at Hospitais Civis de Lisboa.
Since 1998, obtained the degree of Hospital Assistant Graduate and Consultant in Angiology and Vascular Surgery.


Portuguese and English


  • Clínica Lusíadas Oriente
  • Clínica Lusíadas Oriente

Agreements and Conventions

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