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Dr. Edgar Wellenkamp
Areas of Interest
Osteoarticular, Digestive, Urogenital, Gynecological, Thoracic Radiology.
Therapist Fátima Baptista
Speech, voice, fluency and orofacial disorders. Phonological processing in oral and read-write...
Dra. Fátima Lucas
Mammography; Ultrasound and Bone Densitometry; Computed Tomography
Dra. Filomena Patrício
Psychophamacology; Depressive and anxiety disorders.
Dra. Florbela Ferreira
Thyroid diseases; Ultrasound and cytology of thyroid nodules; Diabetes; Phospho-calcium...
Dr. Francisco Buinho
Renal Transplantation; Intensive Care Unit.
Dr. Garcia Neves
Coordenador de Medical Imaging : Clínica Lusíadas Almada
Conventional radiology; Echotomography
Dra. Georgina Correia
Imaging - body
Dr. Gonçalo Nemésio
Urinary Tract; General Echography; General Radiology; Digestive Studies; Swallowing Studies;...
Dra. Graça Sousa
Pediatric and Fetal Echocardiography; Hemodynamics; Sports Cardiology