Prof. Dr. José Cotter

Prof. Dr. José Cotter

Coordenador de Gastroenterology: Hospital Lusíadas Braga

Coordenador de Gastroenterology: Hospital Lusíadas Braga

  • Hospital Lusíadas Braga

Areas of Interest

Digestive Endoscopy; Inflammatory Bowel Disease; Proctology

Breve CV

Degree from the Faculty of Medicine of Porto.
PhD in Medicine – in Gastroenterology, University of Minho.
Lecturer at the School of Medicine, University of Minho.
Director of the Gastroenterology Department at Hospital da Senhora da Oliveira - Guimarães.
President of Sociedade Portuguesa de Gastrenterologia (Portuguese Society of Gastroenterology) (2015 - 2017).
National Medical Council President for the Specialty of Gastroenterology (2012 - 2015).
National Medical Council President for the Subspecialty of Hepatology.
Member of the Oncology Committee at Hospital da Senhora da Oliveira - Guimarães.
Fellowship of the European Board of Gastroenterology & Hepatology.


Portuguese, English, Spanish and French

Agreements and Conventions

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