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Hospital Lusíadas Braga is a project which from the beginning was developed to respond to the needs of the city’s population. We want to offer the people of Braga personalized care, using the most advanced technologies and best practices in health care, taking full advantage of the knowledge we’ve acquired through our work at the other units across Portugal, and also from our colleagues outside of the country.
The fact that we are part of an international group, UnitedHealth Group, allows us not only to engage in constant sharing of experiences and knowledge, but also to form international partnerships.
The fundamental pillars of this project are innovation, technology, and differentiation, in conjunction with an experiences and highly distinguished team of professionals, offering health care of excellence while not losing sight of humanization and providing the best care and the best experience.
We are building an integrated clinical, multidisciplinary, and innovative project in which patients are always at the center of our actions.
Hospital Lusíadas Braga is a unit whose main objective is to provide outpatient health care services.
We will be a top-level, innovative outpatient surgery center in Portugal, providing minimally invasive surgical and anesthetic techniques, allowing for an increase in complexity to procedures performed and maintaining elevated standards of quality, safety, and satisfaction for patients.
This new unit provides a wider and more specialized offering of services, allowing for integral access to health care services of excellence in one location.
Our calling is not only the treatment of illnesses, but also prevention and health promotion, contributing to improved quality of life for those who seek out our services.
The times that we are living in present constant challenges, obligating us to continually adapt in order to provide quality and safe care to those who seek us out.
Braga is in good hands...
Sónia Vilaça
Hospital Lusíadas Braga Clinical Director
Quality and Safety
Quality present in our daily work
Hospital Lusíadas Braga is a unit where patients will receive health care services in line with the highest international quality and safety standards, with cutting-edge technology and a clinical staff of excellence at their service.
This new Lusíadas Saúde unit will deliver integrated health care, with more than 30 specialty areas, investing in technology and more humanized services, seeking to provide the best care coupled with the best experience.
Hospital Lusíadas Braga is equipped with a team of specialized and experienced health professionals, focused on their relationships with clients in order to deliver care fitted to the individuality of each person.
The city of Braga now has an active partner in terms of health promotion and quality of life improvement for its population.
Lusíadas Saúde is part of UnitedHealth Group, one of the world’s largest health care groups. It was the first private Portuguese group to receive certification in Quality and Safety of services at hospitals and clinics from the world’s most important international auditors including the Joint Commission International and HIMSS Analytics.
In addition to the local knowledge acquired at Clínica de Santa Tecla — also a part of Grupo Lusíadas — this new Lusíadas unit will be part of the Hospital Lusíadas Porto care network, allowing for integrated and comprehensive care.
The new Hospital Lusíadas Braga will have a total of 400 employees and will provide career opportunities for the local population.
Hospital Lusíadas Braga is a unit where patients will receive health care services in line with the highest international quality and safety standards, with cutting-edge technology a clinical staff of excellence and at their service.
Agreements and Conventions:
Advantageous health care conditions
We hold agreements with leading health insurance companies and subsystems.
- Health Insurance
- Companies and other Entities
- Healthcare Subsystems
- Future Healthcare (exceto Aegon-Santander)
- Multicare
- AdvanceCare
- Medicare
- Médis
- Allianz
- RNA Medical
- KeepWells
- Mediplus
- Colaboradores Lusíadas (Seguro Saúde Médis)
- Lusíadas Plan
- Lusíadas 4US
- Jerónimo Martins
- Staples
- Universidade do Porto
- Particular
- Ecco Salva
- Multicare - ACS
- SAMS Norte
- SAMS Quadros
- Sãvida
- ADSE, IASFA, SAD PSP, SAD GNR - Tabela especial sem convenção
- SFJ - Sindicato dos Funcionários Judiciais
- Médis CTT
- Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda
Authorization for Health Care Service Provision
Hospital Lusíadas Braga, vision establishment held and managed Clínica Médico-cirúrgica Santa Tecla, S.A. (entity registration no.: 14164), registered and licensed, under the terms and effects of Decree-Law No. 127/2014 of August 22, of the ERS - Health Regulatory Entity, numbers E149134, holding operating license no. 19330/2020.
Talk to us
+351 253 079 579
8 a.m. to 7 p.m., monday to saturday.
Number if calling from outside Portugal
+351 21 770 40 40
Contact us via e-mail with questionsAddress
R. da Escola de Enfermagem