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Dra. Ana Paula Maia
Areas of Interest
Reproductive Medicine; General Gynecology; Obstetrics; Laparoscopic / Hysteroscopic / Tubal...
Dra. Ana Rafaela Alves
Autoimmune Diseases; Vascular Risk; Follow-up of the adult and elderly with pluripathology and...
Dra. Ana Rita F. Pereira
Clinical Cardiology
Dra. Ana Rita Francisco
Congenital Heart Disease, Echocardiography, Coronary Disease and Valvular Heart Disease
Dra. Ana Rita Gouveia
General Dentistry; Oral Surgery; Periodontology; Fixed Prosthesis
Dra. Ana Rita Lemos
Underweight; Overweight and Obesity; Food Allergies and Intolerances; Celiac Disease; Diabetes...
Dra. Ana Rita Silva
Overweight and Obesity; Pediatrics (complementary feeding - traditional method, BLW, childhood...
Dra. Ana Rita Terra
Internal Medicine
Dra. Anabela Colaço
Pathology of the lower genital tract (cervix, vagina and vulva)
Dra. Anabela Figueiredo
Obstetrics (pregnancy and childbirth), General Gynecology; Cervical Pathology