Dra. Filipa Cardoso de Menezes

Dra. Filipa Cardoso de Menezes

Hospital Lusíadas Monsanto:


Portuguese and English

Areas of Interest

Psychotherapeutic support for adolescents and adults with eating disorders, depressive disorders, borderline personality disorders and psychosomatic illnesses; Experience in managing complex situations, as well as suicide and self-injurious behavior


Psychology Consultation

Breve CV

Degree in Clinical and Counseling Psychology from the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies.
Specialty in Clinical Psychology and Advanced Specialty in Psychotherapy by the Order of Portuguese Psychologists.
Psychotherapist in Training by Psirelacional - Portuguese Association of Relational Psychoanalysis.
Clinical Psychologist at the Psychiatry and Mental Health Service of the Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte (2005 - 2022).
Clinical Psychologist in private practice since 2005.
Clinical Psychologist at Monsanto Hospital since 2020.