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Main navigation lusiadas paços de ferreira level 3
Dr. Sérgio Araújo
Areas of Interest
Pathology and Surgery of the Hip; Hip Fractures; Arthroplasties
Dra. Sofia Granja
Pediatric Cardiology; Fetal Cardiology; Pediatric Echocardiogram
Dra. Sofia Guimarães
Management of risk groups (diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol); Palliative care, Geriatrics,...
Pediatric Nutrition; Childhood Obesity; Pregnancy and Postpartum Nutrition; Obesity and...
Dra. Tânia Barros
Obstetrics and Gynecology; Minimally invasive gynecological surgery (hysteroscopy, laparoscopy...
Dr. Tiago Lino
Pathology and Surgery of the Shoulder; Shoulder Fractures; Arthroplasties
Dr. Vítor Vidinha
Degenerative and traumatic pathology of the wrist and hand; Wrist and hand surgery