Dra. Helena Falcão
Hospital Lusíadas Porto:
Portuguese, English and Spanish
Areas of Interest
Immunoallergology; Pediatric Immunoallergology; Epidemiology; Respiratory allergy; Asthma; Allergy to drugs and food
Immunoallergology Consultation
Breve CV
Degree in Medicine and Master's course in Public Health from Universidade do Porto.Assistant Senior Graduate in Immunoalergology and Director of the Immunoalergology Department at Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto.
Competency in Management validated by the National Medical Council .
Participated in the governing bodies of the Portuguese Society of Immunoalergology and of the National Medical Council's Immunoalergology Specialty.
More than 2 decades of experience in the treatment of children, integrated in a Pediatric Hospital Unit of reference in the North of the country.
Responsible for training Specialists in Immunoallergology, as well as conducting pre- and post-graduate courses, lectures, research work and clinical trials.
schedules and agreements
- Hospital Lusíadas Porto
- AdvanceCare
- Allianz
- Médis
- Multicare
- Lusíadas Plan
- SAMS Norte
- Lusíadas 4US
- Colaboradores Lusíadas (Seguro Saúde Médis)
- Associação Mutualista Montepio Geral
- CGD - Cartão de Crédito
- Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda
- Médis CTT
- Staples
- Casa do Professor
- Mediplus
- Câmara Municipal de Albufeira
- MediaMarkt
- Future Healthcare (exceto Aegon-Santander)
- SAMS Quadros
- SFJ - Sindicato dos Funcionários Judiciais
- Grupo RAR
- RNA Medical
- Ecco Salva
- Jerónimo Martins
- Medicare
- KeepWells
- Fundação Salvador Caetano
- Ordem dos Advogados (CD Porto)
- Universidade do Porto