Prof. Dr. Nuno Bettencourt

Prof. Dr. Nuno Bettencourt

  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto
  • Cardiology Consultation – Clinical
  • Sports Cardiology Consultation

Areas of Interest

Cardiovascular Risk; Coronary Disease; Sports Cardiology; Cardiac CT scan; Cardiac MRI

Breve CV

"Invited Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Universidade do Porto, since March 2014.
Integrated member of the Cardiovascular Research and Development Unit of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidade do Porto – since 2010 - being responsible for a thematic line of research in Cardiovascular Imaging.
Member of CINTESIS (Center for Research in Health Technologies and Information Systems) – since 2013.
Managing Partner and Clinical Director of “Clínica do Coração, Porto” – since 2019.
National Coordinator of the Study Group of Nuclear Cardiology, Magnetic Resonance and Cardiac CT of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology – biennium 2019-2021.
Consultant for the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program of “Diprofísio – Support Office for the dissemination of the Physiotherapist's activity” - which includes phase III and IV rehabilitation programs - since 2001.


Portuguese and English


  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto
  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto

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