Prof. Dra. Emília Moreira

Prof. Dra. Emília Moreira

  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto
  • Psychology Consultation

Areas of Interest

Individual psychological assessment and intervention with teenagers and adults; Psychotherapy; Development across the life cycle; Life transitions; Adjustment processes; Anxiety disorders; Depression; Therapeutic adherence, adjustment and self-management of the disease; Rehabilitation; Neuropsychology; Psychotherapeutic models (cognitive-behavioral therapy, narrative therapy and systemic therapy)

Breve CV

Degree in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Porto.
Specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology by OPP - Ordem dos Psicólogos Portuguese ( Portuguese Psychologists Council), with advanced specialties in Psychotherapy and Psychogerontology.
Master's degree in Public Health from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto (FMUP).
PhD in Gerontology and Geriatrics from Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS-UP) and University of Aveiro.
Psychological intervention with children and adolescents, in the Liaison Pedopsychiatry Department, Hospital Maria Pia (between 2003 and 2004) and in the Consultation Department at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Porto (since 2008).
Intervention and clinical research with adults after stroke, at Hospital de Santo António /ICBAS-UP (between 2005 and 2015).
Research and clinical intervention with adults diagnosed with Heart Failure at Centro Hospitalar Universitário de S. João/CINTESIS-FMUP (since 2016).
Integrated PhD Researcher at CINTESIS - Centro de Investigação em Tecnologias e Serviços de Saúde ( Research Center for Health Technologies and Services).
Lecturer in the field of Developmental Psychology, Rehabilitation and Psychological Intervention and Research Methodologies.


Portuguese and English


  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto
  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto

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