Dr. Mário Luís Miranda

Dr. Mário Luís Miranda

  • Hospital Lusíadas Braga
  • Hospital Lusíadas Santa Maria da Feira
  • Hospital Lusíadas Paços de Ferreira
  • Immunoallergology Consultation

Areas of Interest

Asthma; Rhinitis; Hives and skin allergies; Eyec allergies; Sinusitis; Professional diseases; Drug, food and insect venom allergies; Allergy and hypersensitivity to chemical and physical agents; Digestive (GI) tract allergies; Clinical immunology; Functional and immuno-inflammatory assessment of the airways

Breve CV

Hospital Assistant in Immunoallergology at the Immunoallergology Department of Centro Hospitalar de S. João, EPE, since 1997.
Responsible for the Respiratory Function Laboratory of the Immunoallergology Department at Centro Hospitalar de S. João, EPE, since 2006.
Responsible for the Outpatient Consultation of the Immunoallergology Department at Centro Hospitalar de S. João, EPE since 2010.
Coordinator of the Complementary residency of the Immunoallergology Department at Centro Hospitalar de S. João, EPE, since 2012.
Responsible for the Skin Immunoallergology consultation at the Immunoallergology Department of Centro Hospitalar de S. João, EPE since 2006.


Portuguese, English, French and Spanish


  • Hospital Lusíadas Braga
  • Hospital Lusíadas Santa Maria da Feira
  • Hospital Lusíadas Paços de Ferreira
  • Hospital Lusíadas Braga
  • Hospital Lusíadas Santa Maria da Feira
  • Hospital Lusíadas Paços de Ferreira

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