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Dra. Ana Mello
Áreas de Interesse
General Ultrasound; General Radiology; Body CT
Dra. Ana Menezes
Microsurgery and endoscopic ear surgery; Pediatric otorhinolaryngology; Nasosinusal endoscopic...
Adult Health; Preventive and Curative Medicine; Mental Health (anxiety and depression);...
Dra. Ana Miranda
Obstetric, pediatric and ultrasound guided regional anesthesia. Anesthesia for gynecologic and...
Dra. Ana Monteiro
Cognitive Defects and Dementia (mild cognitive defect, Alzheimer's disease, Vascular...
Dra. Ana Neto
Depression; Anxiety; Alcohol Use Disorders; Substance Use Disorders; Mental Health in the...
Clinical Cardiology; Heart Failure; Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation; Cardiac...
Dra. Ana Nobre Pinto
Gynecology, Obstetrics; Breast Pathology.
Dra. Ana Nogueira
Breast imaging
Dra. Ana Novais
Conventional fixed orthodontics; Self ligation orthodontics; Orthodontics with aligners;...