Dr. António Gomes

Dr. António Gomes

  • Hospital Lusíadas Braga
  • General Surgery Consultation

Areas of Interest

Upper digestive tract surgery (Cancer of the stomach and esophagus); Benign tumors of the stomach and esophagus; Classical and laparoscopic surgery; Esophageal hiatus hernias; Gastroesophageal reflux disease; achalasia; Laparoscopic surgery; Gallbladder; Abdominal wall hernias; hemorrhoids; Fistula and fissures

Breve CV

1974: Completion of the Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine, Universidade do Porto.
Residency at Hospital de S. Marcos, starting postgraduate education at that Hospital.
1 year of medical service in Chaves, Vidago and Montalegre.
Residency in surgery at Hospital de S.M.
Completed residency and applied for a position as a specialist in the general surgery service at Hospital de S.M.
Took all public exams for the various categories of the hospital medical career, having reached the top of the career as Head of Service.
Was from the very beginning Head of Surgery.
Held several years the position of Director of Service and Director of the Surgery Department .
With the beginning of private management, ended these management functions and was appointed a member of the clinical board, equivalent to the clinical direction, a position held until 2012, the year in which the new and current Hospital began to operate.
Has been in charge and is coordinator of the Esophagogastric Functional Unit since 2000.
Served as a training advisor for pre- and postgraduate education.
Remains Head of integrated Service of the HB Surgery Service.


Portuguese, English and French

Agreements and Conventions

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