Dr. Canas Marques

Dr. Canas Marques

  • Clínica Lusíadas Almada
  • Maxillofacial Surgery Consultation

Areas of Interest

Head and neck surgery; Orthognathic surgery and orthodontics – segmental arch and straight wire; Oral surgery and implantology; Cervicofacial and dermatologic surgery; Endoscopic nasal and sinus and pharyngolaryngeal surgery; Aesthetic cervicofacial surgery

Breve CV

Responsible for the Cervical and Maxillofacial Surgery Unit, at Hospital Garcia de Orta's ENT Service.
Coordinator of the Head and Neck and Maxillofacial Surgery Group at Centro Hospitalar Tondela – Viseu.
Maxillofacial Surgeon at Hospital Fernando da Fonseca.


Portuguese, English and French

Agreements and Conventions

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