Dr. Eduardo Rosa

Dr. Eduardo Rosa


Portuguese, English and French

Areas of Interest

Reproductive Medicine; Hysteroscopy; Vaginal Surgery

Breve CV

Degree in Medicine in 1986 from the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon.
Hospital Assistant at Hospital São Francisco Xavier since 1998.
Assistant of the Gynecology/Obstetrics chair at Nova Medical School, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, from 1998 to 2001.
Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa, since its opening until 2017, in the Emergency Department and Department of Prenatal Diagnosis.
Currently at Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa in the Delivery and Operating Room.
Accredited or member of the following medical societies : Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina da Reprodução, Sociedad Espanola Ginecologia y Obstetricia, European Society Human Reproduction Embriology, Fetal Medicine Foundation, International Ovarian Tumor Analysis, College Francais Echographie Foetale.