Dr. Gonçalo Novais
Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa:
Portuguese, English, Spanish and French
Areas of Interest
Aneurysm; Arteriovenous Malformation (AVMs); Cavernoma; Meningioma; Acoustic Neuroma; Trigeminal Neuralgia; Brain tumour; Neuronavigation Biopsies; Orbital Surgery; Traumatic brain injury; Sciatica; Discal hernia; Canal Stenosis; Low back pain and Neck pain; Percutaneous Treatment of Low Back Pain; Spine Tumors; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Cubital Syndrome.
Neurosurgery Consultation
Breve CV
Hospital Assistant in Neurosurgery (Hospital de São José).Member of Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurocirurgia / Portuguese Society of Neurosurgery.
Member of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS.)
Instructor teacher of the Advanced Trauma Life Support for Doctors (ATLS) Course.
Invited Professor of Neuropsychophysiology - ESTeSL (Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa).
Clinical Coder ICD-10 CM/PCS.
Collaboration with the training of resident Physicians in Neurosurgery.
Participation in the training of medical students (Portuguese and foreign) in Neurosurgery internship.
Internship in Neuro-Oncology at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN) in London.
International Certification of 4-year cycle of Training Courses by the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS).
schedules and agreements
- Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa
- AdvanceCare
- Allianz
- Médis
- Multicare
- Lusíadas Plan
- SAMS Norte
- ADSE, IASFA, SAD PSP, SAD GNR - Tabela especial sem convenção
- Lusíadas 4US
- Colaboradores Lusíadas (Seguro Saúde Médis)
- CGD - Cartão de Crédito
- Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda
- Médis CTT
- Multicare - ACS
- Sãvida
- Staples
- Casa do Professor
- Mediplus
- Câmara Municipal de Albufeira
- MediaMarkt
- Future Healthcare (exceto Aegon-Santander)
- SAMS Quadros
- SFJ - Sindicato dos Funcionários Judiciais
- Grupo RAR
- RNA Medical
- Ecco Salva
- Jerónimo Martins
- Medicare
- KeepWells
- Universidade do Porto