Dr. Gustavo Mendinhos

Dr. Gustavo Mendinhos

Coordenador de Gynecology and Obstetrics: Hospital Lusíadas Amadora

Coordenador de Gynecology and Obstetrics: Hospital Lusíadas Amadora

  • Hospital Lusíadas Amadora
  • Gynecology Oncology Consultation
  • Colon Pathology Consultation
  • Gynecology Consultation - Hysteroscopy
  • Gynecology Consultation
  • Obstetrics Consultation

Areas of Interest

Gynecological Oncology; Gynecological Surgery / Laparoscopy; Colposcopy and Pathology of the Lower Genital Tract; Diagnostic/surgical Hysteroscopy; Obstetrics

Breve CV

Degree in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon (1999).
Complementary Internship in Gynecology and Obstetrics at Fernando Fonseca Hospital (2002 - 2007).
Specialist Degree in Gynecology and Obstetrics (2008).
Consultant Degree in Gynecology and Obstetrics (2019).
Assistant in Gynecology and Obstetrics at Fernando Fonseca Hospital (2008 - 2012).
Assistant of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Hospital Beatriz Ângelo (since 2012).
Coordinator of Gynecology of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Service of the Hospital Beatriz Ângelo (since July 2022).
Coordinator of the Gynecology Oncology Unit of the Gynecology Service of the Hospital Beatriz Ângelo (since 2014).
Coordinator of the Internship and Clinical Internships of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Hospital Beatriz Ângelo (2012 - 2022).
Member of the Training Center of the Women's Department of Hospital Fernando Fonseca - Coordinator of the Gynecology Internship (2007 - 2012).
Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Gynecological Surgery, IRCAD, Strasbourg, France (2009).
Accreditation Diploma in Colposcopy by Asociación Española de Patología Cervical y Colposcopia, Spain (2012).
Inter-university Diploma in Gynecological Endoscopy 2012/2013, CICE - Centre International de Chirurgie Endoscopique, Clermont-Ferrand, France (2013).
Gynecology - Obstetrician at Hospital da Luz Lisboa, Hospital da Luz Oeiras and Hospital da Luz Amadora (2008 - 2022).
Member of ESGO - European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (since 2011).
Author and co-author of several presented and published papers.


Portuguese and English


  • Hospital Lusíadas Amadora
  • Hospital Lusíadas Amadora

Agreements and Conventions

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