Dr. João Silva Gonçalves

Dr. João Silva Gonçalves

  • Hospital Lusíadas Monsanto
  • Psychiatry Consultation
  • Substance and Alcohol Addiction Consultation
  • Behavioral Addictions Consultation

Areas of Interest

General Psychiatry (anxiety, mood and psychotic disorders); Alcoholology; Addictive Behaviors and Dependencies; Early Intervention in Psychiatry; Young Adult Psychiatry

Breve CV

Integrated Masters in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon (2012).
Lecturer in Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon (since 2017).
Specialist in Psychiatry at the Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte and Ordem dos Médicos (2019).
Hospital Assistant at the Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa (since 2019).


Portuguese, English and Spanish


  • Hospital Lusíadas Monsanto
  • Hospital Lusíadas Monsanto

Agreements and Conventions

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