Dr. Pedro Boal Carvalho

Dr. Pedro Boal Carvalho

  • Hospital Lusíadas Braga
  • Gastroenterology Consultation

Areas of Interest

Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Inflammatory bowel disease, Digestive endoscopy, Digestive oncology

Breve CV

Academic degrees: Integrated Master's in Medicine in 2010 from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, with a classification of 16.
National 2010 Specialty Training residency ranking test – rating of 89 out of 100.
In 2011, Intern of the Common Year residency at Centro Hospitalar de S. João.
2012 - 2016: Complementary residency in Gastroenterology at Hospital Senhora da Oliveira (HSO) - Guimarães (Department Director: Professor Doutor José Cotter).
2017: specialist in Gastroenterology by the National Medical Council respective specialty.


Portuguese and English

Agreements and Conventions

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