Dr. Ricardo Ferreira
Hospital Lusíadas Albufeira:
Clínica Lusíadas Faro:
Hospital Lusíadas Vilamoura:
Portuguese and English
Areas of Interest
Cardiac and thoracic surgery: heart valves (aortic, mitral, tricuspid), coronary without ECC, diseases of the ascending aorta and aortic arch, cardiac tumors and mediastinal tumors. Lung cancer and other diseases of the lung and chest wall. Minimally invasive surgery. Video-Assisted Surgery (VATS- single port). Enhanced recovery after surgery
Thoracic Surgery Consultation
Breve CV
Degree in Medicine from the Universidade de Coimbra.Hospital Assistant in Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Hospital de Santa Maria.
Researcher at the Cardiovascular Center of the Universidade de Lisboa (CCUL).
Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de Lisboa.
Invited Assistant at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidade da Beira Interior.
Fellow of the European association of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery (FECTS).
Fellow of the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes (FUEMS).
Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS); Member of the Ordem dos Médicos (Portuguese Medical Association); Member of the GMC-UK (General medical council- United Kingdom); Member of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia Cardio-Torácica e Vascular (Portuguese Society of Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Surgery), Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia (Portuguese Society of Cardiology), Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia (Portuguese Society of Pulmonology) and European respiratory society.
schedules and agreements
- Hospital Lusíadas Albufeira
- Clínica Lusíadas Faro
- Hospital Lusíadas Vilamoura
- AdvanceCare
- Allianz
- Médis
- Multicare
- Lusíadas Plan
- SAMS Norte
- ADSE, IASFA, SAD PSP, SAD GNR - Tabela especial sem convenção
- Lusíadas 4US
- Colaboradores Lusíadas (Seguro Saúde Médis)
- Associação Mutualista Montepio Geral
- CGD - Cartão de Crédito
- Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda
- Médis CTT
- Sãvida
- Staples
- Casa do Professor
- Mediplus
- Câmara Municipal de Albufeira
- MediaMarkt
- Future Healthcare (exceto Aegon-Santander)
- SAMS Quadros
- SFJ - Sindicato dos Funcionários Judiciais
- RNA Medical
- Ecco Salva
- Jerónimo Martins
- Medicare
- KeepWells
- Universidade do Porto