Dr. Tiago Martins Branco

Dr. Tiago Martins Branco

  • Clínica Lusíadas Faro
  • Internal Medicine Consultation
  • Hypertension Consultation
  • Diabetes Consultation – Internal Medicine
  • Internal Medicine Consultation - Thyroid Diseases
  • Infectious Risk Consultation in Immunomodulation

Areas of Interest

Internal Medicine; Infectious and Tropical Diseases; Thyroid Pathology

Breve CV

Master's Degree in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra (2015).
Professional Diploma in Hygiene and Tropical Medicine from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (2019).
Master's Degree in Tropical Medicine from the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine of the New University of Lisbon (2022).
Specialist Degree in Internal Medicine (2023).


Portuguese and English


  • Clínica Lusíadas Faro
  • Clínica Lusíadas Faro

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