Dra. Ana Patrícia Andrade

Dra. Ana Patrícia Andrade

  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto
  • Gastroenterology Consultation
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease Consultation

Areas of Interest

Inflammatory Bowel Disease; Hepatology; Balloon-Assisted Enteroscopy and Video Capsule Endoscopy; Advanced Diagnostic and Therapeutic Digestive (GI) Endoscopy

Breve CV

2004 - 2010: Integrated Master's degree in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto.
2011: Common Year Residency at Centro Hospitalar São João, Porto.
2012 - 2016: Specialty Training residency in Gastroenterology at Centro Hospitalar São João, Porto.
2013 - to date: Invited Volunteer Assistant of Gastroenterology (a curricular subject of the 5th year of the Medicine Course) at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto.
2015: Internship (1 month) in Advanced Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy at the Department of Digestive Endoscopy at Kyushu University Hospital, Japan.
2016: Internship (2 months) in Double Balloon Enteroscopy at the Department of Digestive Endoscopy of the University Hospital of Jichi, Japan.
2017 - to date: Hospital Assistant in Gastroenterology at Centro Hospitalar São João, Porto.


Portuguese, English and Spanish


  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto
  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto

Agreements and Conventions

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