Dra. Armanda Dias

Dra. Armanda Dias

  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto
  • Psychology Consultation

Areas of Interest

Psychotherapy; Psychological Assessment and Intervention with young people and adults; Adaptation to life transitions; Depression; Anxiety Disorders; Burnout; Bereavement; Conjugality; Family Dynamics; Preferred therapeutic approach: systemic model

Breve CV

Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto (2015).
Specialization in Systemic and Family Intervention by the Portuguese Society of Family Therapy (attending clinical supervision).
Clinical Psychologist at the Service for Psychological Intervention with Children and Adolescents at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto (2016-2023).
Clinical Psychologist at CRIAR - Clinica de Desenvolvimento e Saúde (since 2022) in individual psychological consultation with young people and adults.




  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto
  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto

Agreements and Conventions

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