Dra. Carla Sousa Pontes

Dra. Carla Sousa Pontes

  • Clínica Lusíadas Oriente
  • Preventive Medicine and Wellness Consultation
  • Travel Medicine Consultation

Areas of Interest

Preventive medicine; Precision medicine; Lifestyle medicine; Personalized medicine; Chronic diseases; Risk factors; Lifestyle; Aging; Prevention; Wellness; Genomics; Chronic inflammation; Immunity; Sleep; Stress; Physical exercise; Metabolism; Microbiome; Cancer; Senescence; Longevity; Healthy lifestyle; Active aging; Chronobiology; Oncology; Aviation medicine; Sports medicine

Breve CV

Degree in Medicine, specialist in Medical Oncology and with competence in Aeronautical Medicine.
Physician at the Portuguese Oncology Institute of Lisbon (2000 - 2008).
Physician at the SAMS Hospital (2008 - 2012).
Coordinator of the Centre for Policy Studies in Health at the Catholic University of Lisbon (2013 - 2017).
Physician at UCS - TAP Group (2013 - 2022).


Portuguese and English

Agreements and Conventions

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