Dra. Cláudia Armada

Dra. Cláudia Armada

  • Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa
  • Pain Consultation

Areas of Interest

Oncologic, musculoskeletal, pelvic, and neuropathic pain.

Breve CV

Degree in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon (1998).
Assistant in Anesthesiology at IPO Lisbon (2005).
Graduate Assistant in Anesthesiology (2015).
Post-graduation in Pain from the University of Valencia - Spain (2016).
Coordinator of the Pain Clinic at IPO Lisbon (2016).
Member of the Governing Bodies of the Portuguese Association for the Study of Pain (2017).


Portuguese, English, French and Spanish


  • Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa
  • Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa

Agreements and Conventions

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