Dra. Fábia Mota

Dra. Fábia Mota

  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto
  • Clínica Lusíadas Gaia
  • Pediatrics Consultation

Areas of Interest

Child and adolescent health; Normal growth and acute illness in children and adolescents; Childcare and the challenges of the first months of life; Pediatric feeding and nutrition

Breve CV

Specific Training Intern at the Tondela Viseu Hospital Center.
Internships during Specific Training at Central Hospitals such as Coimbra Pediatric Hospital, Centro Materno Infantil do Norte and Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia.
Pediatrics hospital assistant at Hospital Privado de Gaia (2020 - 2024).
Coordination of the Pediatrics team at Hospital Privado de Gaia (November 2022 - January 2024).


Portuguese and English


  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto
  • Clínica Lusíadas Gaia
  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto
  • Clínica Lusíadas Gaia

Agreements and Conventions

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