Dra. Margarida Franco

Dra. Margarida Franco

  • Hospital Lusíadas Amadora
  • Child and Adolescent Psychology Consultation

Areas of Interest

Child Development; Neurodevelopmental Disorders; Psychological Assessment; Working in context and systemic; Parental Guidance

Breve CV

Master's degree in Educational Psychology from ISPA (2013).
Certified in ADOS-2 and Griffiths III Mental Development Scales.
Since 2015 she has been part of multidisciplinary neurodevelopmental support teams.
Currently evaluates and monitors children, families and respective educational contexts of children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Specific Learning Disabilities.
More recently she started her activity as a teacher in the Degree in Psychology, chair of Educational Psychology, at ISPA - Instituto Universitário.




  • Hospital Lusíadas Amadora
  • Hospital Lusíadas Amadora

Agreements and Conventions

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