Dra. Maria Gioconda Mota

Dra. Maria Gioconda Mota

  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto
  • Dermatology Consultation
  • Dermatology Consultation – Private Practice
  • Dermatology Consultation – Pediatric

Areas of Interest

Dermatology; Dermatologic Surgery; Dermatoscopy; Laser Treatments; Peels and Wrinkle Treatments

Breve CV

Responsible for the Dermatologic Surgery Department of the Dermatology Division of Hospital de São João.
Training Advisor for interns in Dermatology.
Taught Dermatology classes at Escola Superior de Enfermagem, Hospital de São João, for 10 years.
Several papers published in national and international scientific journals.




  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto
  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto

Agreements and Conventions

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