Dra. Roberta Neves

Dra. Roberta Neves

  • Speech Therapy
  • Pediatric Speech Therapy

Areas of Interest

Auditory Processing Disorder (Peripheral and Central); Specific Learning Disorder - Reading; Specific Learning Disorder - Writing; Speech Sounds Disorder; Language Development Disorder

Breve CV

Degree in Speech and Hearing Therapy from Veiga de Almeida University, Brazil.
Specialist in Orofacial Motricity.
Postgraduate in Psychopedagogy from UERJ - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
PhD student in Child Studies in the speciality of Child Health at the University of Minho.
Researcher at the Research Centre for Child Studies - CIEC.
Scientific coordinator and lecturer in Auditory Processing Training.
Author of scientific articles and conference communications in the field of auditory processing.
Extensive experience in the field of Speech Therapy, with an emphasis on clinical practice, working mainly in the following areas: intervention in auditory processing deficits; intervention in auditory skills for the development of speech, language, reading and writing.




  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto
  • Hospital Lusíadas Paços de Ferreira
  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto
  • Hospital Lusíadas Paços de Ferreira

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