Dra. Sara Gonçalo Domingues

Dra. Sara Gonçalo Domingues

  • Hospital Lusíadas Braga
  • General and Family Medicine Consultation

Areas of Interest

Hypertension; Diabetes; Child, Woman and Adult Health; Family Planning; Asthma; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD); Acute Illness in General Practice; Medicine and Social Security

Breve CV

Integrated Master's Degree in Medicine at the University of Minho (2008 - 2014).
Internship in General Practice at USF Pró-Saúde (2016 - 2020).
Responsible for the Dedicated Area for Respiratory Patients at ACeS Cávado II during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020).
Specialist in General Practice at USF Pró-Saúde (2021 - to date).
Coordinator of USF Pró-Saúde (2022 - to date).


Portuguese and English


  • Hospital Lusíadas Braga
  • Hospital Lusíadas Braga

Agreements and Conventions

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