Dra. Sara Lopes

Dra. Sara Lopes

  • Hospital Lusíadas Porto
  • Podiatry Consultation

Areas of Interest

Diabetic foot and rehabilitation; Customized plantar orthoses (insoles); Prostheses and footwear

Breve CV

2011: Completion of Degree in Podiatry at Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário - Porto.
2012: Training in Diabetic Foot Prevention, USF Serpa Pinto - Porto.
2015: Postgraduate Intensive Course: Diabetic Foot, The College of Podiatry, London.
2016: Postgraduate course: Nail Surgery, UManresa Universitat Central de Catalunya - Barcelona.
2020: Master's Degree in Podiatrics in Physical Exercise and Sport, CESPU - Porto.


Portuguese, English and Mandarin

Agreements and Conventions

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