Areas of Interest
Heart failure; Pulmonary hypertension; Echocardiography; Clinical Cardiology; Valvular Heart Disease
Cardiology Consultation – Clinical, Heart Failure Consultation
Breve CV
Integrated Master's in Medicine from the Lisbon Faculty of Medicine (2013).Intern of the Common Year at Hospital Prof. Doctor Fernando Fonseca (2014).
Specialized Training in Cardiology at the Cardiology Service of Hospital Garcia de Orta (2015 - 2020).
Internship at the Advanced Heart Failure and Transplantation Unit of the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid - Spain (2019).
Cardiology Hospital Assistant at the Cardiology Service of Hospital Garcia de Orta, since 2020, integrating the Heart Failure and Pulmonary Hypertension Units.
Trainee of postgraduate course in Heart Failure , organized by the European Society of Cardiology and the University of Zurich.
Certification in Heart Failure and Transthoracic Echocardiography by the European Society of Cardiology.
Author of 16 publications in national and international scientific journals and more than 200 communications at scientific meetings.
schedules and agreements
- Clínica Lusíadas Almada
- AdvanceCare
- Allianz
- Médis
- Multicare
- Lusíadas Plan
- SAMS Norte
- ADSE, IASFA, SAD PSP, SAD GNR - Tabela especial sem convenção
- Lusíadas 4US
- Colaboradores Lusíadas (Seguro Saúde Médis)
- CGD - Cartão de Crédito
- Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda
- Médis CTT
- Multicare - ACS
- Staples
- Casa do Professor
- Mediplus
- Câmara Municipal de Albufeira
- MediaMarkt
- Future Healthcare (exceto Aegon-Santander)
- SAMS Quadros
- SFJ - Sindicato dos Funcionários Judiciais
- Grupo RAR
- RNA Medical
- Ecco Salva
- Jerónimo Martins
- Medicare
- KeepWells
- Universidade do Porto