Dra. Taís Andrade

Dra. Taís Andrade

  • Clínica Lusíadas Almada
  • Psychology Consultation

Areas of Interest

Psychotherapy for teenagers and adults; Couple therapy; Depression; Anxiety disorders; Grief; Relationship problems; Stress; Burnout; Parental counseling; Marriage counseling; Life crisis; Professional orientation; Imposter syndrome; Self-knowledge

Breve CV

Integrated Master in Psychology.
Executive Master in Leadership.
Has 17 years of clinical practice, doing psychotherapy for adults and couple therapy. Broad experience of intervention in organizational psychology, with strong performance in the area of training and development, coaching for leadership and mental health of the worker.
Experience in teaching and education, collaborating 8 years in the main agent of professional education in the area of Commerce of Goods, Services and Tourism in Brazil - trainer in technical courses and responsible for the project of Professional Orientation.
Speaker in several events in the area of work psychology, mental health and coaching.




  • Clínica Lusíadas Almada
  • Clínica Lusíadas Almada

Agreements and Conventions

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