Prof. Dr. Bruno Pereira

Prof. Dr. Bruno Pereira

  • Hospital Lusíadas Braga
  • Orthopedics Consultation
  • Orthopedics Consultation – Pediatric
  • Orthopedics Consultation – Ankle and Foot

Areas of Interest

Sports and Degenerative Pathology of the Foot and Ankle; Ankle Arthroscopy / Percutaneous (mini-invasive) Foot and Ankle Surgery

Breve CV

2009: Integrated Master's degree in Medicine from the University of Lisbon.
2016: Assistant lecturing the Chair of Orthopedics (Medicine course) at the University of Minho.
2017: Member of the Cadaver Courses Committee at EFAS (European Foot and Ankle Society).
2021: Coordination member of Sociedade Portuguesa de Pé e Tornozelo (Portuguese Foot and Ankle Society).
2021: PhD in Medicine from the University of Barcelona.
Researcher at the Anatomy Center of the University of Barcelona.
Memberships: National Medical Council, SPOT, SPAT, SPPT, EFAS, ESSKA and ISAKOS.


Portuguese, English and Spanish


  • Hospital Lusíadas Braga
  • Hospital Lusíadas Braga

Agreements and Conventions

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