Areas of Interest
Digestive Tube Pathology, Barrett's Oesophagus, Digestive Oncology (oesophageal, stomach and colorectal cancer); Diagnostic and advanced therapeutic digestive endoscopy: Endoscopic submucosal dissection (Mucosectomy, Polypectomy, Endoscopic myotomy for treatment of achalasia and Zenker's diverticulum - POEM, Z-POEM); General Gastroenterology
Gastroenterology Consultation
Breve CV
PhD in Medicine, in the area of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto.Specialist in Gastroenterology at the Gastroenterology Service of the Centro Hospitalar Universitário S. João, Porto.
Visiting Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (Gastroenterology and Medical Propaedeutics).
Researcher at IPATIMUP/ i3S in the field of digestive oncology.
schedules and agreements
- Hospital Lusíadas Porto
- AdvanceCare
- Allianz
- Médis
- Multicare
- Lusíadas Plan
- SAMS Norte
- Lusíadas 4US
- Colaboradores Lusíadas (Seguro Saúde Médis)
- Associação Mutualista Montepio Geral
- CGD - Cartão de Crédito
- Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda
- Médis CTT
- Staples
- Casa do Professor
- Mediplus
- Câmara Municipal de Albufeira
- MediaMarkt
- Future Healthcare (exceto Aegon-Santander)
- SAMS Quadros
- SFJ - Sindicato dos Funcionários Judiciais
- Grupo RAR
- RNA Medical
- Ecco Salva
- Jerónimo Martins
- Medicare
- KeepWells
- Fundação Salvador Caetano
- Ordem dos Advogados (CD Porto)
- Universidade do Porto