Therapist Leonor Fontes

Therapist Leonor Fontes

  • Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa
  • Speech Therapy

Areas of Interest

Dysphagia and food introduction; Oral motor skills (myofunctional); Communication and oral and written language; Verbal articulation; Voice; Auditory processing disorder in children; Rehabilitation after cochlear implantation in children and adults; Babysigns program for parents and babies

Breve CV

Degree in Speech Therapy, Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão (2001).
Master's degree in oral motricity and deglutition (ESSA).
Post-graduation in Neurodevelopment according to Bobath (CPCL) and Pathological and Professional Voice (EPAP).
Advanced training in Auditory Verbal Training, Central Auditory Processing and Myofunctional Therapy.
PROMPT (Level I and II).
Certified Instructor in the Baby Signs Program.
Speech Therapist at Hospital D. Estefânia since 2002.
Speech Therapist at Hospital Lusíadas since 2013.



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