Therapist Raquel Martins

Therapist Raquel Martins

  • Hospital Lusíadas Braga
  • Speech Therapy

Areas of Interest

Orofacial motor skills; Reading and writing; Voice in adults and children; Central Auditory Processing; Learning disabilities; Language; Articulation

Breve CV

Speech Therapist graduated from Escola Superior de Saúde do Porto (diploma of merit for her achievement).
Post-graduate in Orofacial Motricity (final average of 20).
Post-graduate in Oropharyngeal Dysphagia (final average of 19).
Specialized in Learning Disabilities.
Specialized in Central Auditory Processing.
Hospital experience (Pediatric/Otorhinolaryngology Service) and Pediatric Center, since 2012.
Chronicler with opinion articles in several magazines.
Speaker in several Speech Therapy lectures.



Agreements and Conventions

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