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Dr. Raúl Martins
Areas of Interest
General Pediatrics
Dr. Reis Rebelo
Clinical Cardiology, Nuclear Cardiology, Cardiovascular Risk
Dra. Renata Carvalho
Clinical Nephrology; Cardiorenal Syndrome; Onconephrology; Chronic Kidney Disease
Dr. Renato Correia Barbosa
Cataract Surgery; Implant-Refractive Surgery; Corneal Diseases; Diseases of the External Ocular...
Dr. Renato Melo
Surgical oncology; Hepato-bilio-pancreatic pathology and surgery; Lithiasis of the gallbladder...
Dr. Reno Queiroz
Diabetes; Hypertension; Aesthetics
Dr. Ricardo Alho
Implantology; Oral Surgery; Oral Rehabilitation; Dental Aesthetics; Periodontology
Dr. Ricardo André Correia
Minimally invasive treatment of varicose veins (laser, radiofrequency, sclerotherapy); Minimally...
Dr. Ricardo Barroso Ribeiro
General Otorhinolaryngology (adults and children)
Dr. Ricardo Bastos
Glaucoma (medical and surgical treatment); Cataract and Refractive Surgery (correction of myopia...