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Dra. Ana Margarida Sousa
Areas of Interest
General Gynecology; Obstetrics; Urogynecology; Laparoscopy; Hysteroscopy; Resectoscopy
Dra. Ana Maria de Oliveira
General Gastroenterology; Digestive Endoscopy; Proctology; Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Dra. Ana Maria Pinto
Preventive Medicine; Hypertension; Diabetes; Elderly
Dra. Ana Maria Ribeiro
General Pediatrics; Allergic and Respiratory Diseases of Children and Adolescents
Dra. Ana Meirinha
Andrology, Lithiasis and Urogynecology; Approach: percutaneous, endoscopic and open
Dra. Ana Menezes
Microsurgery and endoscopic ear surgery; Pediatric otorhinolaryngology; Nasosinusal endoscopic...
Adult Health; Preventive and Curative Medicine; Mental Health (anxiety and depression);...
Dra. Ana Pais
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD); Bronchial Asthma; Respiratory Infections; Sleep...
Dra. Ana Patrícia Andrade
Inflammatory Bowel Disease; Hepatology; Balloon-Assisted Enteroscopy and Video Capsule Endoscopy...
Dra. Ana Portela Carvalho
Obstetrics; Maternal-Fetal Medicine; Prenatal Diagnosis and Obstetric Ultrasound; Multiple...